
Monthly Membership

Montly Subscription for SportzVR Locations

This Membership will give advantage to members in Game Plays, Special Discount Coupons, Discounts in Tournament fees.

1. Game Plays:


2. Tournament Discounts - 25% off on Tournament Fees. ( Exceptions Apply).

3. Special Coupons/ Events- Will have access to Special Discount Coupons & Premium SportzVR events.

4. Speical Discount in Home Kits/ Accessories.

5. Flexibility to play & get discounts in Any  SportzVR Locations.

Disclaimer - The content of this page will be Modified/ updated on regular basis to make the following details more clear. Please keep reviewing the same.

Duration: 30 days
Price: INR399.00
SportzVR - @Retro - Madhapur